"You will not achieve wealth without a wealth consciousness."
Good morning future millionaires. Today, ask yourself are you living a wealth conscious life? Before you answer “yes” too quickly, I want you to read this post, keep an open mind and then ask yourself are you really living a wealth conscious life.
Over the last several years, we’ve heard a lot about the Law of Attraction. In fact, the Law of Attraction has become widely accepted and really is not doubted. However, at the core of the Law of Attraction is whether or not you are wealth conscious. What’s wealth consciousness? It means having a mindset that allows you to attract rather than repel wealth.
So many of us think we’re attracting wealth when in fact we’re repealing wealth because we don’t know our true thoughts about wealth. Many of those thoughts stem from childhood or from what we’ve seen. Without becoming too much of a psychologist, it’s important to understand what you really are thinking about wealth. For example, do you always live in fear of money? Do you think no matter how much money you have you’re still poor or do you have negative thoughts about wealth? If so, you have a poverty conscious.
People who have a wealth conscious feel good about money and seldom worry about it because they have the confidence in their ability to attract money to them. Understanding your mind set and whether you have a positive wealth conscious is a good way to start to make sure that your consciousness and your desires are in alignment otherwise your thoughts could be sabotaging you.
Here are some good ways to make sure you stay wealth conscious:
- Affirmations. Affirmations are a good way to train your mind and preempt any negative thoughts about money. I use affirmations throughout the day to help me as negative thoughts crept in. I have the all over my house and in my car. They are everywhere.
- Generating Ideas. Every day I try to generate at least 20 income earning or money making ideas. They don’t have to be million dollar ideas. They are merely ideas to train my mind so that it looks at new ways of making money. Each day I try to get more creative with my ideas. This has been one of the best wealth consciousness exercises. The first few days are the hardest but after a few days you will be amazed with the ways you’ve trained your mind to see wealth in places and ideas that you hadn’t seen before.
- Vision Board. I love Vision Boards. I have them for everything: what I want my life to look like, my relationships, my family life, my house and my business. Vision Boards are great visual reminders of what you’re working for and they allow you to remain passionate about your goals.
- Accountability Partner. Not everyone likes the concept of an accountability partner but if you get the right one, he or she can do a lot to help you stay on track. They are great to bounce ideas off on, to brainstorm with and someone who is also like minded. A critical part of any success is surrounding yourself with the right people and person number one outside your life mate is the accountability partner and your circle of friends.
So do you think you’re living a wealth conscious life? What do you do to make sure you’re staying the course toward your goals?
Kim Crouch is one of the founders of The Millionaire Journey and author of Mother to Son.