The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Walt Disney
Journals are amazing things. When done right and honestly, they give us great insight into how we really feel, think and believe. They really teach us a lot about our self and they often serve as a vehicle of growth.
Today, I’m encouraging you to begin keeping an accountability journal not only to record your achievements but also to measure your progress. The truth is over the years, I have come to realize that the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is one thing: action. Many people say they really want success, but one of the reasons many people aren’t successful is because a gap exists between their actions and what they say they really want.
Accountability is always the process that determines whether your words, thoughts and actions are in alignment. One way to know if you’re in alignment is to keep an accountability journal. This is a journal where you write down each day what actions you took in furtherance of your stated dreams or goals. If your journal is blank for a few days then you have got a problem because the truth is you should be doing at a minimum 1-3 actions each day that move you in the direction of goal achievement.
This is why the journal is such a great tool because it’s an objective measure. If you’re honest with what you accomplish each day, you will be able to really see if you’re moving forward or standing still. And one thing I can assure you is nothing is ever accomplished by standing still so take action today to find out in which direction you’re headed.
The Seven Laws of Success
I recently came across Mike Murdoch of Inspiration Ministries “Seven Laws” for success in life thanks to another Facebook Friend. I’m recapping them here because I think they are great lessons for contemplation and reflection and provide a template for what some may consider the 7 laws you need to ponder, harness and/or live by to have true success in life. They are:
Law # 1 The Law of difference
This is having the wisdom to be able to discern difference. What makes you different from everyone else. What problem can you solve?
Law#2 The Law of the MindKnowing how to focus the mind, to rule the mind, to make the mind work for you, not let the mind control you. To learn, to be focused, to concentrate, to have a picture in your mind of what you want and go for it, like visualization. See it. Have pictures up on the wall.
Law# 3 The Law of Recognition
The thing you need is there; it’s just a matter of recognizing it. If there’s something missing in your life, there’s more than likely something you’re not seeing. Most of the time it’s right in front of your face but you are so conditioned and so distracted that you don’t see it. I like this one a lot. Tai chi helps with this, and taking the time for contemplation and meditation. What are you not seeing?
Law #4 The Law of 2
Mike Murdoch speaks of the power of covenant, and that the difference in seasons is a person. One person can change your life in 24 hours. All you need is one person to recognize what is special about you, to take you on as a mentor to you, to enter into a covenant with you. Who is that person?
Law #5 The Law of Place
Where you are is as important as what you are. Mike Murdoch speaks of Jesus, who had to leave his hometwown and preach elsewhere to be recognized. When you are where you belong, your genius emerges. So it behooves us to consider whether we are where we need to be, and if not, where is that place.
Law #6 The Law of Honor
Your future is determined by who you have chosen to honor. You must have a code of honor. Honor is a seed that will outlast a lifetime.
Law #7 The Law of the Seed
Our offerings to God are seeds that produce a harvest. There are many types of seeds in our life. Honor is the seed for access, kindness is a seed, time is a seed, love is a seed, teaching is a seed, giving is a seed. This law is to work in the financial arena as well
Which of these laws is most important to you?
Law # 1 The Law of difference
This is having the wisdom to be able to discern difference. What makes you different from everyone else. What problem can you solve?
Law#2 The Law of the MindKnowing how to focus the mind, to rule the mind, to make the mind work for you, not let the mind control you. To learn, to be focused, to concentrate, to have a picture in your mind of what you want and go for it, like visualization. See it. Have pictures up on the wall.
Law# 3 The Law of Recognition
The thing you need is there; it’s just a matter of recognizing it. If there’s something missing in your life, there’s more than likely something you’re not seeing. Most of the time it’s right in front of your face but you are so conditioned and so distracted that you don’t see it. I like this one a lot. Tai chi helps with this, and taking the time for contemplation and meditation. What are you not seeing?
Law #4 The Law of 2
Mike Murdoch speaks of the power of covenant, and that the difference in seasons is a person. One person can change your life in 24 hours. All you need is one person to recognize what is special about you, to take you on as a mentor to you, to enter into a covenant with you. Who is that person?
Law #5 The Law of Place
Where you are is as important as what you are. Mike Murdoch speaks of Jesus, who had to leave his hometwown and preach elsewhere to be recognized. When you are where you belong, your genius emerges. So it behooves us to consider whether we are where we need to be, and if not, where is that place.
Law #6 The Law of Honor
Your future is determined by who you have chosen to honor. You must have a code of honor. Honor is a seed that will outlast a lifetime.
Law #7 The Law of the Seed
Our offerings to God are seeds that produce a harvest. There are many types of seeds in our life. Honor is the seed for access, kindness is a seed, time is a seed, love is a seed, teaching is a seed, giving is a seed. This law is to work in the financial arena as well
Which of these laws is most important to you?
5 Financial Books You Must Read in 2010
Forget everything that you’ve heard about getting rich quick. The truth is there is no such thing as getting rich quick. The truth is if you want true financial knowledge, it is something that you acquire over time through experience and studying.
As such, I decided to put together a list of the top 5 books that I think you should read this year. While books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The Millionaire Next Door or the Automatic Millionaire are great books that you normally see on the list of the top personal finance books, I wanted to stretch your mind by making you aware of some other great financial books full of financial knowledge.
The top 5 books to read this year are:
1. I Will Teach You To Be Rich
by Author Ramit Sethi – This is a must read book by Author Ramit Sethi . It offers in plaing English with great simplicity how to create financial security. It explains saving, investing, budgeting and banking in a hip, trendy way. It’s geared toward the 20-35 age group.
2. The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need
by Andrew Tobias. Want sound investment advice? Want to learn how to navigate and understand the world of treasury bills, mutual funds, Roth IRA, municipal bonds and other financial vehicles? If so, this is a MUST read. This book is a pretty entertaining but informative read.
3. Living Simply with Children: A Voluntary Simplicity Guide for Moms, Dads, and Kids Who Want to Reclaim the Bliss of Childhood and the Joy of Parenting
by Marie Sherlock
– If you have your finances in order and you want to help your kids avoid the debt and rat race trap, this is a great book on how to raise kids who aren’t materialistic.
4. The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times
by Martin Weiss This books shows you how to create a financial roadmap that proves successful even in the worst economic climate.
5. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
by Dave Ramsey – If you want to get started on the path to financial freedom, this book is a must have for you. This book is very practical and shows you how to do everything including how to get out of debt.
As such, I decided to put together a list of the top 5 books that I think you should read this year. While books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The Millionaire Next Door or the Automatic Millionaire are great books that you normally see on the list of the top personal finance books, I wanted to stretch your mind by making you aware of some other great financial books full of financial knowledge.
The top 5 books to read this year are:
1. I Will Teach You To Be Rich
2. The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need
3. Living Simply with Children: A Voluntary Simplicity Guide for Moms, Dads, and Kids Who Want to Reclaim the Bliss of Childhood and the Joy of Parenting
– If you have your finances in order and you want to help your kids avoid the debt and rat race trap, this is a great book on how to raise kids who aren’t materialistic.
4. The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times
5. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
by Dave Ramsey – If you want to get started on the path to financial freedom, this book is a must have for you. This book is very practical and shows you how to do everything including how to get out of debt.
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