Feedback Friday: What Have You Learned?

It's the first full month of 2010 and many of you have made resolutions. But we all know resolutions are only as good as the will and effort you put into making them come to fruition.

So what is the most important thing you've learned this month, about sticking with and making your resolutions a reality?

No Matter What: Persevere! Here's How

Many of us probably felt like 2009 was a failure and that it was a year we wished we could have avoided. I understand. We all have dreams and we all reach for the stars and a lot of times we don’t make it at first. It even seems that sometimes everyone around us is moving and accomplishing great things and we didn’t.

However, Confucius once said, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Here is a video I came across interesting from Honda, the car company, Dream the Impossible series. It’s entitled Failure: The Secret to Success.

This video is all about persevering. In 2010, know victory is yours. You can do it.

Just remember the 5 ways you can send fear packing.

1. Set your eyes on the prize. Write it down and set deadlines.
2. Take Small steps.
3. Try, Try Again. Remember the law of large number
4. Create a support group (Board of Advisors, get a mentor, accountability partners)
5. Visualize your future.

And most importantly, no matter what you do! Just persevere.

To see more videos from the Honda series click HERE

Recommended Readings To Conquer Fear:

The 50th Law

Conquering Fear: Living Boldly in an Uncertain World

Make Today Count: The Secret of Your Success Is Determined by Your Daily Agenda

Power Wellness Wednesday: 7 Ways To Stop Worrying About Money

How often do you worry about money? Once a week? Once a day? All of the time? Worrying about money isn’t only a waste of time, it’s unhealthy, because as you worry, you put unnecessary stress on yourself. So if money worries are keeping you up nights or interfering with your life, keep reading for tips on how you can get back in control!

A few years ago I was laid off from my job. For many people this can and will be a most stressful situation, especially if you’re the primary provider for your family and you have failed to plan or under planned.

As an independent contractor I expect to be let go when my project ends. It's one of those no-brainers of consulting. But like many people, I fell short when it came to planning for the downtime I would have between gigs. I received unemployment for one year, but after that well ran dry, I still didn't have a job or another project lined up. My failure to plan led to me constantly worrying about how I was going to pay my bills--even the basic needs--like rent and food.

But here's the good news, once I rebounded from that, I learned how to not fall into that pitfall again. And, you can do the same things I did to stop worrying about money, once and for all.

Establish an emergency fund. Everyone should have an emergency fund. It is recommended that you have at least six months salary in that fund getting to that benchmark starts with saving one-month's salary, and building from there. Even if it's adding only $10 more per pay period to your savings, do it. I recommend using ING high-yield savings accounts for your emergency fund, because it takes a couple of days to withdraw the money. Having money that’s easy to get to--but not TOO easy--will make you think twice about what is or isn't an actually emergency.

Pay down debt. The easiest way to get out of debt is to pay your bills. Avoiding creditors doesn't make the bills go away. If you have consumer debt, pick out an amount you can afford each month and apply it to your highest-rate debt using some sort of autopay. Repeat every month until it’s gone. This way you can forget about it and not spend time worrying about it.

Put bills on autopay. Paying your bills can be as easy as setting the autopay up through your bank to be a certain amount each month – and then forgetting about it! If you’re still writing checks and mailing them in, you’re creating a lot of worry that you don’t need!

Get organized. Keep all of your receipts and tax records going back six years. Have a file for these things, as well as bank statments and investments. When you need something, you’ll know exactly where it is.

Create a budget. One of the best ways to get money off your mind is to set aside specific blocks of time to balance your checkbook, budget, and pay bills. I recommend looking over your spending once a week, and paying bills once a month.

Just do it. When you spend too much time worrying about bills, you spend too little time taking action to make changes. If you are going to spend time worrying about money, why not use that time and get a side job instead or starting a home-based business? Kim has written some great articles on how to make money blogging and taking surveys:

10 Ways to Make Money Blogging
Make Money Blogging, Part 2
Make Money Monday: 3 Easy Ways to Monetize Your Blog

Keep the faith. Stand strong in your faith, and trust that your needs will be provided. But, don't use that as an excuse to not take action.

As you can see, with a little planning, you can spend less time worrying about money, and more time enjoying it.

Worry never climbed a hill, worry never paid a bill.
Worry never dried a tear, worry never calmed a fear.
Worry never darned a heel, worry never cooked a meal.
It never led a horse to water, nor ever did a thing it "oughter."

See you on the Millionaire Side,

Lisa Maria Carroll

Kim Crouch and Lisa Maria Carroll are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. They don't want to do it alone, so they're bringing you with them. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

Take Action Tuesday: Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Where do you see yourself in the future?

Imagine writing a letter to your future self, then opening it at that exact moment in the future to see how much of it resonates with you. It can be your Freedom Statement, your exit strategy, your millionaire target date, or anything you want it to be.

This weekend I rediscovered an incredible website where you can write such a letter and then have it delivered to your email inbox on the date that you choose. It is a useful supplementary tool to be used in goal achievement, because when you write the letter to your future self, it helps crystallize exactly how you anticipate yourself to become at that specific moment in the future. As you read the letter in the future, you can assess how many things match up (or not) vs. what your expectations were.

Click here to send yourself a letter now.

Kim Crouch and Lisa Maria Carroll are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. They don't want to do it alone, so they're bringing you with them. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

Make Money Monday: 3 Creative Ways To Fund Your Dream

Last Thursday, Lisa Maria Carroll and I hosted a webinar: How To Fund Your Dreams. We hosted this webinar because we know there’s nothing worst than having a great idea for a business, program or a project and not having the money to fund the idea. I’m a firm believer that innovation is a great equalizer for the lack of money. So the less money you have the more innovative you need to be.

In that webinar, many of you discussed that you wanted to write books and start businesses, and we told you about the 7 ways to fund your dream. Here are 3 more innovative ways to help you fund your dreams:

1. Internet. The internet has become a great creator of wealth. Likewise, it is also one of the best ways to generate funds for your dreams. and are two sites that allow you to raise money that don’t have to be strictly for charitable purposes. Although is specifically for teachers (you can request donations for supplies, etc), allows you to request funds for a variety of personal projects from funding to make your CD to money to publish a book. Contributors select how much toward your goal they would like to give. Note there are fees that apply upon successful project funding. For nonprofits, consider sites such as, and

2. Personal blogs/websites. Consider using your personal blog or website to solicit funds for your projects. Using your blog or personal website especially if it has a project that fits the niche of your blog or website can allow you to closely connect with the people most likely to contribute to your project: your followers. Sites like can help you raise such money by creating widgets you place on your site.

3. Household/Barter. Look around your house. Many people buy so many things they don’t need or fail to use. Gather up all those clothes, DVDs and old appliances you no longer use and have a garage sale, sell them to a used or consignment shop. Sell your used books on The bottom line: sell the things you no longer need to help finance the things you do need. Additionally, most people have forgotten the barter system. See if you can barter your services in exchange for services you may need. For example, if you’re an attorney in need of graphic design work can you barter legal services with a graphic design person who may need contracts written or trademarks filed. If you don’t think you have a skill set you can barter like legal services what can you do? Can you babysit, housesit, mow someone’s lawn in exchange for services. You are only limited by your own creativity. So get creative.

In the end, there are many ways to fund your dream. Don’t be stymied if traditional methods for funding seem limited or no longer exist. Think creatively, use the internet and your own site to help you raise money. Your dreams are worth it.

Kim Crouch and Lisa Maria Carroll are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. They don't want to do it alone, so they're bringing you with them. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

Feedback Friday: I'd Love to Have a Date

We had an awesome webinar last night on how to fund your dreams. Several people on the call and in the chat room shared their dreams of starting businesses, and one of the ways that we gave for people to fund their dreams is to find hidden money. Now, hidden money is money you didn't know you had or didn't know was available to you. (You can visit to find out if you have money available.) The money on this site could be from a multitude of things, for instance, a rent deposit that wasn't returned to you because you didn't leave a forwarding address with the landlord, money or jewelry from an abandoned safe deposit box, or money from a deceased relative. It's definitely worth visiting the site to find out if you have money coming to you.

What I really loved about last night's call is that within an hour of it ending, we got Facebook updates from two people saying that they found money. (Think deadline. Don't put it off until tomorrow, when you can make it happen today.) One found money from her old university, while the other person simply said that it was not a big amount, but nevertheless, she was excited to know that there was money waiting for her. I like how she put that: it was WAITING for her. And that's what our dreams are doing for us. They're waiting for us to set some deadlines to bring them to fruition.

And that's exactly what I'm doing today. I'm giving myself a deadline, instead of this timeframe I've been operating in.

drumroll, please......

I'm finally going to FINISH writing a book that I've talked about writing for at least the last decade. And you know what else? I'm giving it a deadline: February 28, 2010. Not only will I have this book written, but also published by this date. And as accountability partners on this journey, I want everyone to hold me to it. Check in. Nudge me. Yell...

Starting a publishing company was one of the things I identified as an income stream (not to be confused with a "possible" income stream) to get me to the million-dollar mark. Well, it's happening now. My first book, The Gold-Digger Theory will be published next month. (Preview the blog here.) I then, not plan, I will publish a book each quarter this year. Aggressive? Yes. Doable? Absolutely.

Give us your feedback: You have dreams seeded inside of you. What is your deadline to make it happen? In other words, give me a date.

Power Wellness Wednesday: The Millionaire Self-Care Plan

Your health is your greatest wealth.

One of the first things that came to mind when I came up with the brilliant idea that I wanted to be a millionaire in one year was that I need to be well mentally, physically, and emotionally in order to achieve my desired outcome. I knew that any illness could stop me dead in my tracks, delay my goal, or perhaps even bring it to a screeching halt.

I started the Journey in October 2009, the same month that I started a new consulting gig in the DMV (DC-, Maryland-, Virginia-area). At that time I had only been here for two short months, so I hadn’t yet coordinated any sort of medical care locally (doctor, dentist, etc.). But, since I saw maintaining overall good health as being part of the Journey, I included all foreseen medical treatments, including, Orthodontic appointments, Orthognathic surgery, and my annual visit to my physician's assistant, on my road map to financial independence. I developed what I now call my Millionaire Self-Care Plan.

The month that I started the Journey also marked the 18-month mark that I'd had braces on my teeth. The original treatment plan was for me to wear the braces for 18-months, have orthognathic surgery at that point (an oral surgeon would break and then realign my jaw), and then wear the braces for two to six more months. But, somewhere in between all of that happening, life stepped in. The project that I was working on ended, and I left Minnesota in hopes of finding a job in another state. During that time, I saw my Orthodontist only one of the four times that I should have. And my lack of self care resulted in the wire on my lower teeth being bent and lifting a tooth in a way that my Orthodontist didn't want it to. The result: another six- to 12-months of treatments.

That's when I had to get real with myself because, as a mother, I never would have neglected my kids' health. So why was I neglecting mine? Whenever one of my children got sick, I didn't miss a beat. If it required me moving mountains, then that's what I did. But, here I was now making excuses for not taking care of myself: I can't afford to fly back to Minnesota every other month. Or, I don't want to be out of town if I get a call for an interview. Or, I don't want to buy a plane ticket, and then get a call to start work before I can use it.

Excuses Be Gone
I'm that mother who told an employer that they would have to hold a job indefinitely, or give it to someone else, when I got a call from the hospital the night before I was supposed to start, telling me they didn't think my daughter was going to make it through the night. I'm that same mother who was primed and ready to tell her supervisor exactly where he could put his job when my daughter's Orthopedic Surgeon decided to fuse her spine after her orthosis failed to correct her scoliosis. I needed to take a month off work during her recovery, and he told me he didn't know why I needed to be with her since she had nurses at the hospital to care for her around the clock.

This Journey has awakened this mother to her need to take the same proactive approach to keeping herself healthy.

The Self-Care Plan
My first stop: the Orthodontist office. There was no sense in delaying the inevitable. As much as I didn't want it to be true, I knew I had to face the reality that I was going to have to wear braces for at least six months longer than originally planned. And then it was time to see my physician's assistant "PA."

I love my PA, and I think she's very competent. But I try to avoid her like the plague, because if it ain't one thing, it's two or three. The last time I had been in her office, she referred me to a radiologist because my uterus felt big (just stay with me here). She said that it could be fibroids, and asked if I had been having heavy periods. No, and no was my answer, so she continued poking and probing. At the end of the exam, the technician drew blood, and my hemoglobin level was 10, and my red blood cell count was low. These were indicators of my overall health, which wasn't faring in my favor.

"Have you been feeling dizzy, because your hemoglobin level is in the range of a cancer patient"?

"Nope, haven't felt dizzy at all."

"Well, since you've had some rectal bleeding, and your dad has colon cancer, I'm going to refer you to a gastroenterologist."

So, not only did I leave with a referral to a radiologist for an ultrasound to see if I had fibroids, but also one for a mammogram, and yet another one for a colonoscopy.

What I didn't tell her was that I had been having rectal bleeding for exactly one year and 11 months because I was afraid of the "possible" diagnosis. After all, my dad was given two- to six-months to live when he was diagnosed with colon cancer (nine years later, and he's still doing well). And that's around the same time that bestselling author and Spiritualist Iyanla Vanzant's daughter died of the disease at the young age of 31. So I kept telling myself, "It could be cancer! It could be cancer!" in my best Chicken Little impersonation. But once I finally faced my fears head-on, I was relieved that it wasn't cancer, and frustrated that I hadn't taken better care of myself. I was also frustrated that the gastroenterologist told me I had hemorrhoids and prescribed a laxative. Surely, I would know if I had hemorrhoids, right? And if I had them, were they the cause of the heavy rectal bleeding?

When I got home that day I decided to do my own research online. I searched fibroid symptoms and treatments (My PA had suggested a hysterectomy, but that wasn't an option I was willing to consider.) The only symptom my PA had mentioned during my visit was heavy menstrual bleeding. But, I soon found out that I had a host of other symptoms, including pain and numbness in my hip, leg and foot; pelvic pain (at times I felt like I was carrying a bowling ball); and frequent urination. This explained my recent visits to the Podiatrist and Orthopedic Surgeon.

The Podiatrist couldn't explain the pain in my foot, so she simply suggested that I get orthotics (shoe inserts). And after an MRI that showed that nothing was wrong, my Orthopedic Surgeon thought that a series of cortisone injections in my lower back should take care of my hip pain. At that point, I was willing to try just about anything. And since he was the doctor, I set up the appointment for my first shot. I was instructed that I wouldn't be able to drive myself home afterwards, so I arranged for my daughter to take me.

Well, let me tell you, I was in far more pain after that shot than anything I had been experiencing. The radiologist ensured me that this was normal, and that I should slowly start to feel better. Nope, didn't happen. The pain got progressively worse throughout the day, and the only explanation I got from the Orthopedic Surgeon and a co-worker who had similar symptoms, was to stick with the treatment and keep getting the shots. Since I failed to see any logic in continuing getting steroid shots that made me feel worse, that was my first and only one.

The next day I called an aunt who swears by herbs and prefers homeopathic treatments over steroid shots any day. I'd overheard her talking about a detox system at the family reunion that year, and I wanted to give it a try. The products are only available online at I ordered a three-month supply and got started immediately. One of my co-workers who suffered from fibromyalgia and had an autistic son said I needed to also change my diet by eating strictly organic and free-range foods. So, off to Whole Foods I went.

At first I thought I wouldn't be able to keep this lifestyle up because I couldn't afford it. (Eating organic is NOT cheap.) But the reality is I couldn't afford not to keep it up, because I couldn't afford to be sick. I was taking time off work. And the pain and discomfort I was felt was affecting my lifestyle in such a way that I couldn't enjoy spending any of the money I was making. At that point I started seeing an investment in my health as one of the greatest investments that I could make. As part of my lifestyle change, I ordered Jordan Rubin's book, The Maker's Diet. Rubin nearly died from an inflammatory bowel disease that caused him to lose 50 pounds and suffer severe pains. His diet is based on Biblical teachings.

A New Normal
Within two weeks of starting the detox system, the rectal bleeding stopped, and the pain in my hip, leg and foot were gone. I also noticed that my periods were lighter and I no longer felt like I was carrying a bowling ball in my abdomen. Remember when the doctor I asked if I'd been having heavy period and I told her no? Well, I had been "sick" for so long that sick felt normal.
I was surprised how much more energy I had when I went for a follow-up visit a month later and my hemoglobin level was 12.8.

Welcome to the DMV
Last week a co-worker who is a fellow consultant, didn't make it into the office (she lives in another state) because she was having chest pains. She said the pains had started on Tuesday, but she toughed it out until she went back home on Friday and could see her own doctor. That's when I knew it was time to get local insurance, along with a local doctor for myself. I'll still get my Orthodontic treatments in Minnesota. But, as for health care, I need a doctor who can coordinate all of my treatments. I don't commute back to Minnesota each week. And since I no longer consider that home, it's time for me to drop my insurance there, and sign on with CareFirst, a division of Blue Cross/Blue Shield that offers insurance for freelancers and the self-employed.

It's important that I keep myself well on the Journey. Because my health truly is my greatest wealth.

Hate Your Job? Why I Think You Should Stay?

It’s no surprise to me that many Americans hate their jobs. So when The Conference Board research group released a study that found that 55 percent of Americans were dissatisfied with their jobs, I thought duh? Tell me something I don’t know.

The truth is many Americans are in jobs they don’t want to do because they fear pursuing the jobs or their dreams that they really want to do. Even so, my advice is if you’re one of the people who make up the 55 percent and are considering leaving your job, my advice is to STAY! Yes, I said STAY! At least, for a little while.

Why do I say that? Because the truth is, most people should be striving in this life time for true ownership and, for most people, their current job provides the greatest opportunity to obtain such ownership. According to the book the 50th Law, true ownership is not about material possessions, money or titles. Rather, true ownership comes from within and the ability to be self reliant and confident in your decisions. In essence, it is ultimately the right to own yourself, your thoughts and your upward mobility.

So how can a job you hate help you obtain ownership?

1. Rethink how you see your job. A lot of people dislike their jobs because they feel dependent on their jobs to earn a living and because it takes up a significant amount of their time leaving them very little time to do the things they really want to do. The key is to transform your thinking. Stop seeing your job as a place of work but as a laboratory or a breeding ground for starting your own business or what you want to do. Use your time wisely at the job to learn everything you can about how business work, including marketing, promotion and sales. Use it to help you develop your interpersonal skills, to teach you how to form partnerships, collaboration and about teamwork. All of these skills will be useful when you venture out on your own. Ultimately, if you view your job as a startup for your future business or goal, you will acquire ownership over your job rather than allowing the job to have ownership over you.

2. Increase your responsibility. Seek out greater responsibility because this will teach you how to make better decisions. You want to learn the components of a good decision because it will aid you as you move in the direction of ownership. Believe me, it is much better to make mistakes on someone else’s dime than having to learn on yours.

3. Make Your Money Work For You. Many people live paycheck to paycheck so they get a job because they must work for money. But in the wise words of Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, to build wealth, people must make their money work for them. For most people, their job provides the greatest opportunity to do this. As such, stop working for money and begin to see your job as an opportunity to fund your dreams or to at least put you in a position to pursue those dreams. Begin putting money aside and/or investing with the salary you make at your job. Set an amount that you must generate or save that will allow you to leave your job: this is the essence of making your money work for you.

So before you quit your job or become complacent in the one you already have, recognize that your job may be the goose that lays the golden egg in terms of providing an abundance of opportunity for you to obtain the skills and mentality necessary to obtain true ownership over your life.

Want to get started on the road to ownership, register to attend the How To Fund Your Dreams webinar on Thursday, January 21, 2010 from 9 to 10 pm EST.

Kim Crouch and Lisa Maria Carroll are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

Make Money Monday: 3 Easy Ways To Monetize Your Blog

Now that you’ve learned how to create a blog and you have it all designed, the next thing you should consider is monetizing it. I know some of you just blog to discuss issues or to provide your opinions on matters but there is no reason you shouldn’t get paid while you’re at it. There are three simple ways to monetize your blog:

1. Amazon Associates. One of the reasons that I like being an Amazon Associate is because of the ease of using Amazon. Amazon is everywhere and they sell everything from baby clothes to books. So how does it work? You link to various Amazon products on your blog either off to the side or within your blog posts and every time someone clicks on your link and purchases that item or other items once they link through to the Amazon site, you get paid a commission! It’s that simple. So if you’re blogging about an issue, why not link to a recommended book about the subject sold by Amazon.

Amazon has a tiered system and your commission rate increases as you move up the tiered system. As an Amazon Associate, you can sell anything Amazon does such as books, music, DVDs and clothes, etc. To sign up, click HERE

2. Google Adsense. Adsense is probably the easiest of the ways to monetize your blog. Adsense offers unobtrusive ads that you display on your website or blog. You earn money when users visit your site and click on or view the ads on your page depending on the type of ads you select for placement. Click HERE to sign up for Google Adsense.

3. Infolinks. Infolinks is a contextual inline ad program that allow you to add code to your blog that automatically searches each article and create text links on keywords to promote products. Revenue is generated when a reader clicks on one of the links. Once you install the code, no additional code or work is required. All you do is post your blog and the ads are automatically synched up with the keywords. To sign up for Infolinks, click here.

Now there are other ways to monetize your blog such as direct advertising (this requires you have a good deal of traffic) and affiliate marketing, which will be discussed at a future post. The 3 methods listed above are easy, require very little maintenance and don’t require an enormous amount of traffic.

Feedback Friday: What Is Your Fear Factor?

It's Feedback Friday on the Millionaire Journey, and we want to hear from you. This week we showed you how to write a vision statement, define your wealth strategy, and write a freedom statement. Now, we want to hear what's really holding you back?

What would you be doing with your life right now if fear wasn't a factor? Would you start a business, travel the world, get married, start a family, leave an abusive relationship (platonic, romantc, familial or business)?

Are you afraid of success or failure, falling down or standing on your own? Do you worry about what people will think and say about you if you dare to live your dreams?

Share your dreams and ambitions with us, and why you're afraid of 'just doing it.' Then, let's talk solutions, "How can we help you get there"?

Lisa Maria Carroll and Kim Crouch are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. They don't want to do it alone, so they're bringing you with them. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

Some Day We Will All Be Free? When Will You Be Free?

Many of us want to be financially free. We long for the day when financial freedom is ours. But I ask, have you written your freedom statement? Your Freedom Statement is a written definitive guide of your vision for wealth and your plan for execution. In essence, your path to freedom.

Your freedom statement a.k.a. your wealth strategy contains your millionaire model and how you’re going to achieve wealth, a timetable for achieving wealth and some guiding principles. Like any good written plan, your Freedom Statement is like a road map: it shows your final destination and the best route to get there.

I know you think this is pretty basic but you would be surprised how many people don’t write things down. I firmly believe that if it isn’t written it doesn’t exist. So if you need help mapping your Freedom Statement or your path to wealth then sign up for the Defining Your Wealth webinar.

In that webinar, some of the things you will learn include:

-How to create your Freedom Statement (Wealth Strategy)
-What are the millionaire models
-How to assess your net worth
-The millionaire checklist

To register, click HERE.

Take Action Tuesday: Write Your Vision Statement

One of the best selling books of the last decade was The Secret. This book teaches that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness.

The Secret was about more than just dreaming. It was about getting crystal clear about what you want the Universe to deliver. Although most people have an idea of what they want to be in life, the biggest majority have never taken the time to write a vision of the life they dream about. They settle for getting by with where they are and what they have. They live a life of frustration and stress and never experience the joy of reaching their goals. For many of them, accomplishing what they dream of is a challenge because they fail to articulate what it is they want. their dreams will never become a reality until we act upon them.

Clearly See Your Dream
When your picture of what you want your life to be is not clear you will have trouble knowing what plan of action you need. Clarity in your mental picture will give a more detailed understanding of what actions you need day-by-day to live the life you desire.

A personal vision statement is a picture of your true self in the future. It is who you want to be, what you want to do, how you want to feel, what you want to own, and who you want to associate with. Although your vision statement helps you to see into the future, it must be grounded in the present. It is a statement of who you are, and who you are becoming. It is the framework for the process of creating your life.

With that said, what dream will you make your reality in 2010? Once you have a clear vision of what it is you want, write it out, being bold, detailed, and precise in your statement.

Finally, decide on the FIRST step you can take to start yourself on your journey. What is the first thing you can do to get yourself on the right path? Determine what resources you'll need to assist you. When you have a clear vision you can understand the components that are necessary to have a plan that specifically defines you actions.

For more information on writing your vision statement, sign up for our F*R*E*E Defining Your Wealth Strategy webinar, taking place this Thursday, January 14, 2010.

See you on the Millionaire Side,
Lisa Maria Carroll

Lisa Maria Carroll and Kim Crouch are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. They don't want to do it alone, so they're bringing you with them. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

Make Money Monday: You Can Make Money Online: See How Now!

One of the most common questions I often get asked is can you really make money online? I understand the skepticism. After all, there are scams out there and many people who prey on one’s desire to make money.

The truth is I do make money online (I will share with you some sites and my own earnings later in the post). But the real question you want to know is not really can you make money online but will you get rich from it? Truthfully, the answer is probably not and most people don’t although there are a few people who do. But is making money online one of my multiple streams of income that when combined with the other income streams part of an overall strategy that will allow me to eventually retire? Absolutely!

What do I do to make money online?

So let me tell you about my own experiences with making money online, particularly blogs because this is what most of you are interested in knowing about. The first blog I created: Mother To Son didn’t make much money: $100 in 4 years. But it was a blog that I created after I published my first book: Mother To Son: Words of Wisdom, Inspiration and Hope for Today’s Young African-American Men. Although it didn’t make much money, this blog stemmed from my desire to discuss and offer solutions on a social issue that I cared deeply about. It was far from a money making blog but I do it nevertheless.

My best success from making money online with blogs came when my husband and I started our Recession Lessons blog as a way to help others survive the recession and as a way to begin making money online. (Note: I was already doing paid surveys online and getting paid to blog online and making a nice income from that). However, we began to really notice an increase in the amount of money we began to make with our blog. We realized the increase happened when we began to provide better, more targeted content and articles to our followers and then combined those with affiliate marketing programs such as and others.

However remember there is much more to making money online than creating a blog. Between my blogs and some of the other things I do to make money online, I am starting to make a decent return. Here’s an example of what this past week looked like (January 3-9, 2010) looked like:

Paid to blog sites $17
Surveys $77 (Surveys still remain a huge source of income for me. If you’re a mom with kids you’re the perfect demographic for advertisers and so the opportunity to make money getting paid to do online surveys I think is great)
Commission Junction $42.80
Google adsense $6.37 $5.60
Infolinks $3.06 Book Sales $35.10
Ebay $45
Other Affiliate Programs (47.55)

Note: my book sales aren’t included in this because I consider that a different type of income stream although more than 60% of sales are made online.

Total: Approximately $280

As I said, you won’t retire off this. However, as you can see this is one week so over the course of a month I earn anywhere from $500-$1000. Now there are some people out there making thousands of dollars a month with their blogs. In 2010, I plan to continue to refine my system to allow me to work toward achieving that type of income.

My goal is to also show you how to make money and what I’ve learned in 3 months that has helped me begin to generate income in a few months that I wasn’t able to generate in a few years. So every Monday from here on out, we’re going to have Make Money Mondays, and I’m going to show you the various ways to make money online from surveys, to affiliate marketing to getting paid to blog to ebay to selling stuff online and many others. I will also be honest with you about whether I think the sites are good or not and whether I’ve made money or not.

Recommended Reading:

These are article I’ve already written that provide you the name of sites that we will be discussing on various Mondays.

Making An Income Out of Taking Surveys Part 1

Making An Income Stream Out of Taking Surveys Part 2

Make Money Blogging Part 1

Make Money Blogging Part 2

Also you may consider purchasing the e-book 20 Ways To Make Money Online. Click HERE to learn more.

Lisa Maria Carroll and Kim Crouch are two women on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. Join us on Facebook by clicking HERE or our blog by clicking HERE.

Feedback Friday: Why Do People Fear Accountability?

Yesterday I was talking to Kim, my accountability partner on this Millionaire Journey, and I asked why she thinks so many people have a problem with accountability? And when you look at it, society as a whole wants to do their own thing, whether it's in business, marriage, or family. And as adults, we feel like that's our right! But, it's this selfish or fearful attitude that may be preventing you from going to the next level.

Our theme this month is FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real), and we've really been focused on accountability this week. On Tuesday I told you how to find an accountability partner, and the feedback we received was tremendous. We've gotten email and video responses from people who told us why they don't need someone to hold them accountable because they know how to motivate themselves, as well as those folks who are afraid of a little tough love or being called on the rug when they say they're going to do something and don't.

Our Feedback Friday question is: Why are people afraid of being held accountable?

If you look at any highly successful person, you will almost always find a mentor/coach/accountability partner:

  • Former supermodel and talk show host Tyra Banks has a life coach. Check out this blog Tyra wrote about how Paula White helped her when she didn't want to get out of bed.

  • Oprah Winfrey calls Maya Angelou mentor-mother-sister-friend. Why would Oprah need a mentor?

  • Warren Buffett was mentored by Ben Graham while at Columbia University. Buffett celebrates Graham’s book, The Intelligent Investor, as the greatest book on investing ever written. Ben Graham once owned a small insurance company named GEICO. Apparently Graham taught his student well because Warren Buffett now owns GEICO.

  • Michael Jordan was a great player, having earned Rookie of the Year. But it wasn’t until he was joined with his coach and mentor, Phil Jackson, that he flourished. Under Phil Jackson’s first year as coach of the Chicago Bulls, Jordan and the Bulls were able to win their first NBA title. Michael Jordan amassed 6 NBA titles and became the most decorated NBA player ever under Phil Jackson.

  • Personal trainers have fitness struggles, so they have fitness partners to help them achieve their fitness goals. (Click here to read more about personal trainers who have fitness struggles.)

(Note: you have to visit the blog to view the above video)

So, as you can see, it's not about motivation, but peak performance. If you want to soar to new heights, be accountable to someone. But, why do so many people fear soaring to new heights? Are they afraid to go to the next level? Are they content to stay where they are, even when it's an unhappy place? Or, is it that they just can't handle the truth?

Thursday Training Course: How to Set Up a Blog

Many of you have contacted me and Lisa about how you set up a blog or how to make money from blogging. The truth is people create blogs for all types of reasons: to discuss an issue important to them, to keep family updated or for business purposes. Over the last few years, blogs and blogging have emerged as another potential income stream way to make money providing a diversity of opportunities.

The truth is we spend a lot of time and effort working at it. (Can’t you tell by the number of posts you see weekly!). We get up at the crack of dawn and go to sleep very late and we consistently write and experiment with ideas. The one thing we know for sure is that your blog will NOT make money without good set up, great content and steady traffic. This is why we’ve created the How To Set Up A Blog Webinar. Join us on Thursday and you will learn the essentials to setting up a good site including:

How To Set Up A Blog
What’s the Best Format To Use
Blog Templates & Design

To register for this event, Click HERE.

Honest, It's Ok To Sleep With The Enemy

If we’re honest with ourselves, we all have slept with the enemy at some point in our lives. It’s a natural part of our evolution to greatness. What is the enemy? It is anything or anyone that stands between you and your life’s purpose. The enemy is a dream killer, a dream destroyer and it could be a person such as a spouse, a relative or a friend or a thing such as fear, self doubt and lack of confidence.

The issue is never if (because we all do at some point) we will, but for how long. Some sleep with the enemy for a season, others for a lifetime and most of us somewhere in between. The key, however, to reaching greatness is to limit how long we lay down with the enemy. We sleep with the enemy because it makes us feel safe and comfortable and we never have to get out of our comfort zone. But like any destructive relationship, it eventually deflates us because it can only survive by holding us down or back. It’s not our friend. It’s not there to support us and certainly not to mentor us.

At times, we become engaged in a delicate tango with the enemy. To the extent we are, we need to make sure we’re using it to our advantage. By that I mean, if you’re going to sleep with the enemy then learn as much as you can about it. Learn about its habits and its modus operandi so that you prepare yourself on how to deal with its dream crushing ways. But whatever you do, the key is to limit the amount of time you do so because we know what happens if you don’t. We’ve all heard the saying if you lay down with dogs you will get up with fleas and you don’t want the enemy to get you before you get it.

So my approach is if you’re going to sleep with the enemy, do so but with these three things in mind:

1. Recognize it is the enemy. Too many times we try to convince ourselves that the person or thing that’s holding us back has our best interest at heart or that it’s protecting us. But anyone or thing that holds you back is your enemy so you need to be honest about it. One of my favorite lines from the movie Natural Born Killers starring Woody Harrelson where thye reiterated a story about a woman who nursed a sick snake back to life. Once the snake was well, it bit the woman and as she lay dying she asked why did you bite me after all I did for you. The snake replied you knew I was a snake! So true, many of us fail to understand this. Even when the dreamkillers come as itself or himself, we like to dress it up rather than recognizing it for what it is: something intending to stop us from reaching our greatness.

2. Understand the Triggers. Understand when the enemy appears in your life. Is it right when you’re on the cusp of greatness or does it appear at the beginning so that you never get started. The better you understand its appearance the better opportunity you have to limit its effectiveness.

3. Limit its influence. Like anything, keep the enemy in its place. A little fear or self doubt is ok if it makes you reassess and revise your strategy so that it’s better. But anything beyond that and the enemy is likely to have more control over you and prevent you from moving forward.

Do you plan to stop sleeping with the enemy in 2010 and pusruse your dreams? If so, sign up for these recommended webinars to get you moving toward accomplishing your dreams?

How To Set Up A Blog (January 7, 2010)

Defining Your Wealth Strategy (January 14, 2010)

Funding Your Dreams (January 21, 2010)

Take Action Tuesday: How to Find An Accountability Partner

T.E.A.M. - Together Each Achieves More
We're five days into the new year, and you have these ideas, concerns, and questions competing for space in your head and no one to share them with. It would be nice to find someone who really cares that can help you figure out how to take next steps, put the pieces together, and hold you accountable to act on those things. But you feel like the people closest to you are more of a distraction than a help, and cause more disorder than order.

An accountability partner may be exactly what you need to achieve optimum success. But how do you find one? On our Send FEAR Packing telerally this past Sunday, I told you about some of the people that you could use to form a support group: family, friends, co-workers, or a life coach, virtual friends [from social media networks], and a Board of Advisors. After the call, we got several emails from listeners stating that they're having a problem identifying one person that they can be accountable to, not to mention the 3-5 that would serve as the board of advisors.

So, I've come up with a checklist on how you can find an accountability partner:

First, why a support group or accountability partner?

We are all held accountable in one way or another. Accountability is simply being responsible for one's actions. Accountability partners are one of the best ways to provide support and help motivate you to stay focused.

  1. Write it down. Be specific about the things you'd like your partner to help you with. Is it losing weight, starting a business, doing homework, quitting smoking? This is important because you'll need to be able to exchange this information with your partner so they'll know how they will be helping you.
  2. Put the word out. Tell your friends and family about your goals and that you'd like someone who could hold you accountable. Find someone who is as goal oriented as you are. That person is connected to you enough to know that if you win, they win too. You want your friend to be serious about personal growth. And be sure to find someone who will not accommodate your weakness. You don’t need someone to help you lose.
  3. Join a social networking group. Whether it's The Millionaire Journey or Jenny Craig, the internet provides an endless network of people and groups with similar interests as yours. You just have to get out and connect with them. Research carefully before joining. You don't want to get caught up in a scam.
  4. Find a mentor. Shorten your learning curve by learning the ropes from someone who has already done what you're doing. One of the best ways to do this is to find a mentor, and to do that, just ask. You'd be surprised how willing people are to help you when you simply open your mouth and ask for what you need.
  5. Sit down and draw up a partnership. Determine when you'll meet (phone, in person, email)--at least once a week--to report to each other on your progress towards your goals. During this meeting you let each other know how you did last week and what you plan to commit to the next week. If you are dragging your feet, it is the partner's responsibility to give you a kick in the pants.

Having another person involved in your goal setting is a win-win scenario. Not only will they make a difference in your life, but you will make a difference in theirs. Find your accountability partner and watch your results soar.

See you on the Millionaire Side,
Lisa Maria Carroll

Lisa Maria Carroll and Kim Crouch are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. They don't want to do it alone, so they're bringing you with them. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

No More FEAR

If you were on our Send FEAR Packing call tonight, we know you're FIRED UP, AND READY TO GO! In 2009 many of us stopped living our dreams because we were too busy living our fears (Les Brown). But, with great expectancy, all of us are expecting 2010 to be at least 10 times better.

After that powerful call, we know that you're building confidence, walking in the direction of your fears, and setting respectable goals. You're no longer afraid to fail because, when you do, you're going to get back up and try, try, try again.

This week we want you to work on creating your support group--family, friends and co-workers--who can help you go to the next level. Also, find a mentor and identify members of your Board of Advisors. Start it now, perfect it later.

This week many of you sent us questions about blogging: What is a blog? Where do I start? How do I set it up? As you know, we're here for you. So, this Thursday, January 7, 2010, we're doing our first webinar of the year, How to Set Up a Blog at 9PM Eastern. This event is absolutely FREE, but you MUST register first: (click here to register). Space is limited to the first 20 registrants.

If you have questions you'd like answered at the event, please send them in advance to

See you on the Millionaire Side.
Lisa and Kim

The 50th Law: Fear Nothing

I searched really hard for a book this month. I wanted the first one in 2010 to be good. I listened to this book the other day and while I'm not a huge fan of 50 cents I am of Robert Greene so I decided to step outside the box (Isn't this what millioniares do?) and choose the 50th Law. I chose it because this book makes you come face to face with fear ad deal with it. The 1st step to achieving success is conquering fear so here you have it. Read more about the book below and join us on the Millionaire Journey Fan Page (link below) tomorrow when we begin the discussion.

Fear Nothing!

Fear Nothing!

Fear Nothing!

In the 50th law, Robert Greene, bestselling author of the 48 Laws of Power joins with hip hop icon 50 cent to write about a single principle: fear nothing. The book is based on the principle that most people don’t understand the extent to which fear determines their action. Most people experience adversity and allow it to overcome them. This book is about helping you create self awareness of the fear that controls our lives preventing us from moving forward. There are 10 lessons of fear in the book and each chapter is centered around a primal fear we all feel. Each chapter highlights how the fear hides within you and subtly redirects you but it does give you some solutions for how to confront that fear and take control over your life. What I like about this book is it isn’t necessarily about overcoming fear with a reckless aggression. Rather, it is about confronting fear on its own terms, looking it square in the eye and moving past them.

This book is a really good and extensive book about mastering fear through awareness.

To get the book for the discussion click on the icon below

You can purchase the book from iTunes Store Audiobooks

Link to the Millionaire Journey Fan Page, click HERE

Send FEAR Packing Telerally

Are you READY TO WIN IN 2010?

Have you ever gotten so close to your destiny, only to lose momentum at the last moment?

Do you fear what others will think or say about you if you dare to live your dreams?

Do you put your dreams on hold because of the possibility of failure?

Are you the world’s greatest cheerleader because you’re too afraid to get in the game?
If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, then you're suffering from FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. FEAR makes you a slave. A victim instead of a victor.


It’s the year that you Send FEAR Packing!

Join us this Sunday, January 3, 2010, for this year’s first MILLIONAIRE JOURNEY TELERALLY to learn the 5 Things You Must Do NOW! to SEND FEAR PACKING once and for all!

Date: January 3, 2010
Time: 8:00pm Eastern

Dial-in: 402-237-2015 402-237-2015
Access: 705687#

In 2010, You Will Get A Better Rate of Return If You Just Pour Your Money Down The Drain

I strongly believe that many of us don’t take our money seriously. We spend more time and effort evaluating our cars and the pair of shoes we’re going to buy than we do with where we put our money. Think about it. When we shop for shoes, you had best believe we’re going to get our money’s worth. We evaluate the quality of the materials the shoes are made of, how many outfits will match those shoes and how long we think the shoes will last.

But when it comes to investing our money we don’t nearly undertake the due diligence necessary to ensure our investments will be fruitful. Because of our laissez faire approach with our finances, we would do better to simply pour our money down the drain. We may end up with a better rate of return.

Here are the 6 mistakes we make with our money:

1. We assume the “experts” know more. I’m amazed how many of us turn our money over to financial planners and investment advisors without understanding what they’re doing with our money. Just like every teacher can’t teach or every lawyer isn’t good in court, don’t assume that someone knows how best to invest your money. You should have a hands on approach with your money. Advisors are there to advise not decide. You should always be the decision maker. For me, I never let any financial advisor near my money unless they’re willing to show me their tax returns. After all, if they didn’t make more money investing their own money they certainly can’t have mine! This is a rule I absolutely live by.

2. Failure to Automate. Companies have made investing so easy that it’s surprising more of us don’t automate. It only takes a few minutes to set up automatic investment accounts and many allow you to start investing with as little as $25 a month.

3. Lack of vision. We’ve all heard the saying don’t work for money but make your money work for you. But how can it if you don’t have a vision for want you want to do with your money. Your vision is the key to everything. It’s your guide to how your money will work for you so if you don’t have a vision for your money create one today.

4. Failure to Diversify and reassess your Portfolio. If you want to make your money work for you or do well financially, you must reassess your portfolio on at least an annual basis. I know many people put  money in only stocks or bonds and never diversify. But the key to minimizing your risk is to diversify your holdings so that you aren’t putting all your eggs in one basket. This way if the stock market crashes you weren’t totally in stocks or if international stocks aren’t doing well you can be balanced by your investment in domestic stocks.

Similarly, financial success requires reassessing your portfolio on an annual basis. Each year you should determine whether the allocation of your portfolio investment works for you or meets your needs. Time changes and so do circumstances and it becomes imperative that you’re reassessing your portfolio to adapt to those changes.

5. Don’t research. If I hear from one more person about a tip they got from a friend about a stock without researching it, I may just scream. I’m not saying that the friend isn’t right about the stock but do your own research to determine whether this is something you should invest in. Remember a friend telling you about it isn’t research. It’s just a tip and before you act on it make sure you have the facts and know whether it’s a good investment.

6. Only put your money in savings. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to hear it when I learn that people are savers. The truth is America has long been a country of spenders and not have saved enough. But the truth is if you want to be financially independent you need to do more than save. You need to invest in something. It can be stocks, bonds, or a business. But you need to eventually invest because investing not savings will yield wealth more often and much quicker than merely saving.

Kim Crouch, is one of the 3 women, along with Lisa Maria Carroll and Tina Fortune, who are on the Millionaire Journey. You can follow us on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at or the Millionaire Journey blog at

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