In my first article, Make Money Blogging: 10 Ways You Need To Know About Now, I discussed with you some of the steps necessary to build a good blog or website and I discussed the concept of making money blogging by affiliate marketing. I also provided you a list of affiliate marketing companies to get you started (See Make Money Blogging: 10 Ways You Need To Know Now).
This article will focus on article marketing and other methods of income generation that will help you make money blogging. But first, just a brief reminder. The key to making money blogging is to have a blog or a website and building a community of followers. Remember you can register a blog at blogger.com or at http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-3713745-10378406
For many of us with blogs, the primary reason we blog is because we’re passionate about a specific issue and the blog is our opportunity to share our thoughts with the world. But if you’re going to blog, you may as well make money with it. As I’ve said before, you won’t get rich but you can make a decent living at it.
I believe in the concept that the way to accumulate wealth is not to do 4,000 things one time, but to do 1 thing 4,000 times. As such, when I write a blog, my initial purpose in writing it is to post it on my site to educate and spark conversation amongst my readers. After I’ve done that, I usually will then post that article on several article writing sites where I can get paid.
These are online publishers that pay you for content. A few -sites require that the articles be original articles exclusively published with them. However, most don’t.
1. Associated Content. They don’t require exclusivity in order for you to publish. They are one of the best companies out there to me for online publishing. They have two avenues of pay: performance pay, where you get paid based off the number of views and advance pay where they pay you for writing assignments or selling them original content. I’ve done both. I must say again, you won’t get rich but you’ve already written your post for your site so why not post it on Associated Content and get paid for it as well. To sign up for Associated Content, click HERE.
2. Examiner.com. They are probably the best online publishers to me because they are an actual newspaper. They have a fairly decent sign up process and even do a background check, which is free and actually very simple. You sign up to write about a certain area. Since I often blog about parenting and education issues, I signed up to be an Education Examiner. You also get paid on a performance pay basis based off the number of people who read your article. To sign up for the examiner, click HERE. In the referral box, please list me as a referral. You can search for me under the name Kim Crouch or put in Examiner ID Number 32461.
Other online publishing places you can submit your articles include: e-how.com, suite 101.com
There are several companies that will pay you a fee to post and/or write reviews about their products and services. With many of the companies, you set your own fee and the advertiser will determine if they accept that fee and whether your blog meets their needs. I recommend that whenever you engage in a pay per post you make clear to your readers that you’re getting paid for the post. The FTC regulations also make clear that you need to have some type of disclosure statement when you get paid to advertise products. The following are pay per post companies:
1. Payperpost.com. Payperpost.com is known as the pioneers of the getting paid to blog concept. Of all the companies, they seem to have the most jobs available. You can get paid anywhere from $5 to $100 per approved post.
2. Bloggerwave.com
Bloggerwave is the most user friendly of all the sites. It’s a smaller company but you can still get paid a decent amount. They usually pay a minimum of $10 per approved post.
3. Smorty.com
Smorty pays out weekly between $6-$100. They look at the page rank of your blog in determining how much you make.
Other pay per post sites include: blogvertise.com, reviewme.com, loudlaunch.com, and blogitive.com.
These sites pay you to run ads on your site and pay on a per impression basis. My experience with these companies have been that in order to be accepted into their programs you need to have a high volume of traffic. Some of the best companies in this field include:
1. Blogherads.com (they currently aren’t accepting new applications but you can sign up to be on their waiting list)
2. Tribalfusion.com-requires 5,000 visitors by day
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