I know it’s hard to believe that someone who is an attorney/author/radio show host has fears about much of anything. But I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve let fear punch me in the face, beat me down and even knock me out for the count on more than one occasion.
Take the time I almost dropped out of law school after the first week because I didn’t think I could cut it, or how I almost didn’t write my book Mother To Son because I didn’t believe anyone would listen to someone without a PhD. There are so many things I almost didn’t do because fear began to set in. But after writing my book and seeing the warmth with which it was received, I determined from that time period on that fear would never occupy a permanent place in my head or heart. Nor should it in yours. After all, a wise person once told me that fear is false evidence appeared real. Once you know and really believe this, then you to can begin to make sure fear doesn’t live in your home anymore.
Here are a few things I’ve used over the years to help me overcome fear:
1. Get a cheering squad. Surround yourself with a group of people who can encourage you and root you on in your dreams. Fear can’t occupy the same space as love and confidence.
2. Break down what you want to do into small achieveable steps. Fear sometimes comes from the fact that something seems to big to accomplish. Break it down into smaller steps. As you achieve those smaller steps your confidence will grow and your fear will lessen.
3. Take fear head on. Don’t run. Stand your ground. Ask yourself what’s worst. To live your life trying or to be filled with regret?
In the end, you don’t need to be an attorney or some superstar to punch fear in the face. You just need to be willing to move forward and give your dreams a try.
PRIZE ALERT: Punch Fear In The Face Contest
Want to know the secret to coping in a down economy? If so, you have the opportunity to win a copy of the free e-book How To Stay Up In A Down Economy. To enter:
1. Watch the You Tube video. You can find it on the Millionaire Journey Facebook Fan Page or at
2. Leave a comment on the You Tube page and on the FB Fan page telling how you punched fear in the face or even better, how you think you’ll apply it on the Millionaire Journey.
3. We will pick the best comment from the week and then send the winner the
e-book. We’ll be in touch via email, so be sure to Direct Message us or email us
at 1yearmillionaires@gmail.com so we have a way to contact you.
Come back each day and read how Tina, Lisa and Kim punched fear in the face!
1. Watch the You Tube video. You can find it on the Millionaire Journey Facebook Fan Page or at
2. Leave a comment on the You Tube page and on the FB Fan page telling how you punched fear in the face or even better, how you think you’ll apply it on the Millionaire Journey.
3. We will pick the best comment from the week and then send the winner the
e-book. We’ll be in touch via email, so be sure to Direct Message us or email us
at 1yearmillionaires@gmail.com so we have a way to contact you.
Come back each day and read how Tina, Lisa and Kim punched fear in the face!
Organization Not Intelligence Makes The Difference
My law school professor use to tell me that in order to succeed I didn’t have to be very smart I just had to be organized. He would say that law school, like life, is more about organization than intelligence. These past two weeks on the Millionaire Journey have proven his words of advice true!
I’m so excited on the Journey that my mind is racing a mile per minute. I have so many thoughts and am doing so many things that it’s easy to become deflated or burnt out if you don’t have a system of organization. Otherwise, it will be too much input and not enough output, and output, after all is the name of the game and the key to success.
Over the last two weeks, I’ve done a lot to get organized and so can you. To stay organized I usually do the following:
1. Get you a clean space to work. It’s hard to work in clutter.
2. Set your goals and determine your priority. Once you know what the priority is then you know what to focus on. So many of us have a multitude of ideas that it’s easy to get sidetracked. To prevent this from happening, make a list of your priorities and rank them in order of importance that you want to accomplish them.
3. Focus. Don’t try to do everything all at once. This is why you’re creating a list of priorities. Work solely on your top priority until it’s complete or else you will never get it done.
4. Create folders for the various ideas you have. When something pops in your mind related to that idea, jot it down and stick it in that folder. But do not start working on it until you’ve completed what you have listed at the top of your list.
At the end of the day, you will find that you will get more accomplished if you stick to the items above. You will stay on task and be more organized; thereby, allowing you to get more accomplished.
I’m so excited on the Journey that my mind is racing a mile per minute. I have so many thoughts and am doing so many things that it’s easy to become deflated or burnt out if you don’t have a system of organization. Otherwise, it will be too much input and not enough output, and output, after all is the name of the game and the key to success.
Over the last two weeks, I’ve done a lot to get organized and so can you. To stay organized I usually do the following:
1. Get you a clean space to work. It’s hard to work in clutter.
2. Set your goals and determine your priority. Once you know what the priority is then you know what to focus on. So many of us have a multitude of ideas that it’s easy to get sidetracked. To prevent this from happening, make a list of your priorities and rank them in order of importance that you want to accomplish them.
3. Focus. Don’t try to do everything all at once. This is why you’re creating a list of priorities. Work solely on your top priority until it’s complete or else you will never get it done.
4. Create folders for the various ideas you have. When something pops in your mind related to that idea, jot it down and stick it in that folder. But do not start working on it until you’ve completed what you have listed at the top of your list.
At the end of the day, you will find that you will get more accomplished if you stick to the items above. You will stay on task and be more organized; thereby, allowing you to get more accomplished.
Punch FEAR in the Face!

Achieving millionaire status involves appreciating every opportunity to save, give and DO. I am a frugal person and I believe in saving a dollar or a hundred dollars when I can. I look for ways to save money. Look for ways to cut the costs and stop paying full price. The only time you should be paying full price is when you absolutely want to and don't feel guilty about doing it.
Today I had to book a flight for my boyfriend and I researched online for "coupon codes" in google. Did you know that there is a coupon available for virtually anything you want to purchase online? Yes there is! You just have to find it. So, I wanted to be sure that if you had some place to be that you could also find it too. Click Here for a $25 off Air Tran Coupon
Today I had to book a flight for my boyfriend and I researched online for "coupon codes" in google. Did you know that there is a coupon available for virtually anything you want to purchase online? Yes there is! You just have to find it. So, I wanted to be sure that if you had some place to be that you could also find it too. Click Here for a $25 off Air Tran Coupon
The past 14 days of this journey I have felt like I have been running race and today for the first time, I slowed down long enough to evaluate what has occurred. I started a new business, I received payments for the business and more work, I opened up a Teleseminar, updated my resume and reflected on where I've been and where I want to go in my career. I read Lisa Maria Carroll's book Moving Up in a Down Economy and made a few decisions to get rid of some of major time wasters that were not producing any type of income. Just from her book, I received tips on how to apply for jobs that have my current career title that will more than double my salary!
More than anything, I punched FEAR in the face. I have an amazing Dream Team that desires to me and everyone on this journey succeed! They are up researching ways to save, share and together we are believe God for His abundant blessings in this lifetime. There is so much to be said about that.
So as you are traveling along the Millionaire Journey with us, Punch FEAR in the Face! Allow your dreams to come alive, switch gears and use every opportunity that you have available to live your best life now. Evaluate your money mindset and remember to say the Millionaire Pledge DAILY!
You can and will achieve millionaire status. How long is up to you.
After you read this post, please copy and comment with I punched FEAR in the face! You'll feel much better after you do-really, you will!
Old Habits Die Hard

I make too much damn money to broke. I’m just going to put it out there, and keep it all the way real. All of my kids are grown, and I live waaay below my means, except for when it comes to “loaning” money. I got a bad habit of taking care of other folks before I take care of myself. In other words, I spend more time worrying about other people’s problems than they do. And, let me just put it this way, I could probably be a millionaire if I were to call in all the “loans” that I’ve never gotten a payment on.
Now before anybody stands up to tell me how blessed I’m going to be for helping others, sit down for a minute and let me finish…
God has charged me to be a few things, and a fool isn’t one of them. The Word of God charges us to be as wise as serpents and harmless as a dove. It’s downright foolish and unwise to loan and give money that you don’t have. And that’s what I’ve done over and over again in the past. But, no more, because God also charges me to be a good steward over the things that he blesses me with. A steward is a manager. And how well am I managing the things that he has entrusted to me—including money—if I loan bill money, and then I can’t pay my bills? God gets no glory out of me—or you—living with no electricity or heat because we’ve loaned our money to someone who wasn’t a good steward over theirs either.
It’s Day 12 of the Millionaire Journey, and although I’m still 353 days away from being a millionaire dollar-wise, I definitely have a renewed million-dollar mindset. And to God be the glory. People don’t need my money, they need my motivation (Wallace D. Wattles). Otherwise, I’ll continue to stay broke. Correction, they’ll continue to stay broke, because as a man thinks, so he is. And my thinking has changed. There’s no more meandering in mediocrity for me.
Lisa Maria Carroll
Making An Income Stream Out of Taking Surveys
Believe it or not, there are legitimate ways to make money on line. Completing surveys and participating in online focus groups are such an example. Many companies pay anywhere from $2 to $150 depending on the amount of effort involved. Focus groups are going to pay about $75-$150 but they are going to take between an hour to an hour and a half to complete.
While you won’t get rich from completing surveys, you can build up your survey base such that it becomes a good source to add to your income stream, which is critical to becoming a millionaire. Today alone, I took 16 surveys ranging in amount from $1 to $75. The good thing about surveys is you can decide how many you want to take or if you want to take them at all.
Now there are a lot of survey companies out there. Some are scams. Under no circumstances should you ever have to pay to take surveys. Be wary of any company charging a fee to provide you a list of companies that offer surveys. As this list is readily available for free over the internet.
After years of completing surveys on line, I have compiled a list of the survey companies I believe to be the best based off the frequency of surveys sent and the amount of compensation. They include the following:
American Consumer Online Panel - They invite you to fill out surveys online. Once finished with the survey, you will receive cash, a check, a gift, and/or an entry in a drawing (values typically range from $4.00 to $25.00 per completed survey). Even if you are not selected for a survey, your name will be entered in a monthly drawing. Sign up at http://acop.com/
Survey Savvy - This is the online division of Luth Research, a leader in market research for nearly 25 years. Surveys range from $2 to $50. What’s unique about survey savvy is you also get paid for not only the surveys you take but also for surveys taken by your referrals and their referrals. This is sort of a MLM survey but it is pretty lucrative if you can create a team under you of people interested in taking surveys. To sign up go to: https://www.surveysavvy.com?id=498688&action=join
Mindfield - Earn cash and prizes for each completed survey. They send out surveys frequently. Sign up at: http://mindfieldonline.com/referral/b2da765f
Focus Forward – one of the better of the survey companies they pay anywhere for $2 to $150 depending on the type of survey. They offer a lot of focus groups which usually take between an hour to 1.5 hours and can be done via phone or online but the pay is usually between $75-$150 for participation. Sign up at: http://focusfwdonline.com/
Valued Opinions – also a very good company. They send surveys frequently and pay anywhere from $2 to $15 a survey. Occasionally, they have some surveys that pay out at $50. Sign up: http://www.valuedopinions.com/
My View - My View is another one of my favorites because of the frequency of surveys sent and the amount of compensation awarded. The good thing about them is you’ll know in the beginning if you are disqualified or not. They pay with My View points, which means that 1 point constitutes $1. http://portal.myview.com/portal/app?cmd=Acquisition&token=1:00019215:0004:2796:1933
Pinecone Research--one of the most well-respected and best survey companies to work for. They only accept applications every few months for a short time period so it’s imperative that you sign up when they are having “open enrollment.” If you qualify and are accepted, you'll be promptly paid $3 for every survey you complete. Plus, you'll have possible opportunities to try out full-size products for free. http://www.pineconeresearch.com/
Believe me when I say the opportunity to make money completing surveys is plentiful. Like anything else you have to expend a bit of effort upfront on sign up. But once you complete that, there is plenty of opportunity to make money.
While you won’t get rich from completing surveys, you can build up your survey base such that it becomes a good source to add to your income stream, which is critical to becoming a millionaire. Today alone, I took 16 surveys ranging in amount from $1 to $75. The good thing about surveys is you can decide how many you want to take or if you want to take them at all.
Now there are a lot of survey companies out there. Some are scams. Under no circumstances should you ever have to pay to take surveys. Be wary of any company charging a fee to provide you a list of companies that offer surveys. As this list is readily available for free over the internet.
After years of completing surveys on line, I have compiled a list of the survey companies I believe to be the best based off the frequency of surveys sent and the amount of compensation. They include the following:
American Consumer Online Panel - They invite you to fill out surveys online. Once finished with the survey, you will receive cash, a check, a gift, and/or an entry in a drawing (values typically range from $4.00 to $25.00 per completed survey). Even if you are not selected for a survey, your name will be entered in a monthly drawing. Sign up at http://acop.com/
Survey Savvy - This is the online division of Luth Research, a leader in market research for nearly 25 years. Surveys range from $2 to $50. What’s unique about survey savvy is you also get paid for not only the surveys you take but also for surveys taken by your referrals and their referrals. This is sort of a MLM survey but it is pretty lucrative if you can create a team under you of people interested in taking surveys. To sign up go to: https://www.surveysavvy.com?id=498688&action=join
Mindfield - Earn cash and prizes for each completed survey. They send out surveys frequently. Sign up at: http://mindfieldonline.com/referral/b2da765f
Focus Forward – one of the better of the survey companies they pay anywhere for $2 to $150 depending on the type of survey. They offer a lot of focus groups which usually take between an hour to 1.5 hours and can be done via phone or online but the pay is usually between $75-$150 for participation. Sign up at: http://focusfwdonline.com/
Valued Opinions – also a very good company. They send surveys frequently and pay anywhere from $2 to $15 a survey. Occasionally, they have some surveys that pay out at $50. Sign up: http://www.valuedopinions.com/
My View - My View is another one of my favorites because of the frequency of surveys sent and the amount of compensation awarded. The good thing about them is you’ll know in the beginning if you are disqualified or not. They pay with My View points, which means that 1 point constitutes $1. http://portal.myview.com/portal/app?cmd=Acquisition&token=1:00019215:0004:2796:1933
Pinecone Research--one of the most well-respected and best survey companies to work for. They only accept applications every few months for a short time period so it’s imperative that you sign up when they are having “open enrollment.” If you qualify and are accepted, you'll be promptly paid $3 for every survey you complete. Plus, you'll have possible opportunities to try out full-size products for free. http://www.pineconeresearch.com/
Believe me when I say the opportunity to make money completing surveys is plentiful. Like anything else you have to expend a bit of effort upfront on sign up. But once you complete that, there is plenty of opportunity to make money.
7 Things You Can Do to Make Money

Yesterday, I told you how to sign up for a Clickbank account. Well, today I reactivated my eHow, Ezine and Associated Content accounts to start earning more passive income. (Kim also has an Associated Content account with some great articles.) I know it may look like things are going really slow right now (and, frankly, it feels that way too), but I'm positioning myself. I currently have a blog, Single Mom and More, and I'm hardly making any money on that site. But, I learned through a teleseminar yesterday that I can take the content from my blog and post them to all three of those sites and get paid. I was trying to get paid on my site, and then my plan was to cross-post. Man, was I doing things backwards.
Once I get my blog posts migrated to those sites and others, I don't have to do anything else to them. People will find them through search engines and my newsletters. And I'll make money. It won't be much at first, but I'm creating e-products, cross-promoting, creating links, and much more. And over time, all of these little things will add up, and become something much bigger. I'll make it so that they all work together.
In the meantime, I want to recap the seven things we identified on Sunday's call that you can do to make money:
1. Capitalize on social media (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn)
2. Create a blog and monetize it
3. MLMs
4. Use your job as a multiple income stream
5. Take surveys
6. Identify your strengths
7. Finish what you started
Tina, Kim and I are going to blog about these things in great detail, so make sure you're subscribed to this blog. Also, invite friends to join the Millionaire Journey fan page on Facebook. We want to encourage you as you encourage us.
Until next time, see you on the journey.
Lisa Maria Carroll
Joining the Millionaire Journey-Fan or Participant

I received three emails today from people inquiring about joining the journey.
How can you join?
You can join this incredibly empowering movement by making a commitment now to also become a millionaire in 365 days and agreeing to follow the Millionaire Journey Pledge. We know that becoming a millionaire can seem like a daunting accomplishment but that's why you won't have to do it alone. You will have Lisa, Tina, Kim and other Millionaire Journey members to support you in your endeavor. Over the next 365 days, [through emails, teleseminars, etc] we will be there to provide motivation, inspiration or just a kick in the pants to keep you going. We’ve made it easy for you. Membership is free and, once you sign up, we will provide you with a copy of the Millionaire's Pledge and a list of the Five Things You Must Do Now To Become A Millionaire. Sign up now and take the first step toward becoming a millionaire.
If you are unable to stretch your faith to believe for Millionaire status in 365 days, then join us and cheer us on as a FAN! We need cheerleaders, we need your faith, we need your love! There is something great about seeing others succeed. Be sure to have your children join as fans and learn about money.
I have a good friend at work and we were talking about those in society that REALLY make money. They aren't the NFL/NBA players, Entertainers, etc.(we know they make the big bucks too!) They are those that truly know how money operates and deal in hedge funds. Know what a hedge fund is? William Buffet invested $620 million in one. Research and leave a comment below with a hedge fund BILLIONAIRE name. Yes, they make millions and achieve billionaire status. On this journey, one of the things I plan to do is to educate myself on how money operates and grows. What do you intend to do? Have fun learning!
How to Make Money with Clickbank

As part of my effort to identify--and take advantage of--all possible revenue streams, I reactivated my Clickbank account. I signed up for it over a year ago, but never used it. In other words, that's a year's worth of passive income that I could have been generating. But, no sense in crying over spilled milk.
So, looking ahead, here's how you can also start making money through Clickbank:
- Visit: http://www.clickbank.com/, and decide if you want to be an affiliate (promote products), or a vendor (sell products). Clickbank will then send all of your sign-up information via email.
- Identify a niche. Search the Clickbank marketplace to see what categories are available. Tailor your e-goods (ebooks, software) to fit categories that are not already filled with similar items. Also, give your products a fresh angle that will make it different from any similar products.
- As a vendor, you will need to register for a seller's account. Pay the startup fee and have your account confirmed.
- Create a website, landing page or newsletter to advertise your product. Write a sales letter or page that accurately describes the product and what it can do for the buyer. Use highly-searched keywords in order to get search engine traffic to your page.
- Submit your page and your product to Clickbank for approval. Take the Clickbank payment links provided to you from the site and put them onto the sales letter or website.
- Choose a price for your item. When doing so, take into consideration the percentage of each sale that will go to anyone who sells the item on your behalf. You'll set that amount as well.
- Market your item in forums, blogs, websites, and newsletters.
Let's make some money on this millionaire journey.
Lisa Maria Carroll
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar
This is precisely how I feel after Sunday’s amazing telerally. There is nothing like the power of associations and feeling the energy from a group of people who believe anything possible. What you find is that you feed off and challenge each other to push forward. So on Day 9 of the Journey, I’m fired up and ready to keep going, and my energy is sky high.
To date, I’ve made $39.15 toward my Millionaire Journey! While it may not seem like a lot, the truth is this was probably one of the most important and prolific weeks I’ve had in my life. If you know anything about blog monetization, you know that $39.15 is a lot. In fact, before I started the Millionaire Journey, I didn’t put much effort into monetization so it would take me 3-4 months to generate this type of income. But the things I learned this past week about playing to win and challenging myself to do more have allowed me to kick my monetizaton efforts into high gear and have in essence allowed me to make in one week what it would have taken me a couple of months to do before I started this Journey. This is just an example of what can happen when you combine attitude plus action. For the first time, I hear the roar of true wealth creation and I want to share that with you.
As such, starting tomorrow, I will begin discussing what I’m doing in terms of the 7 income streams we’ve identified at Sunday’s telerally. I’m committed to transparency and telling you what really works and what doesn’t. We’re all in this together. I hope you can hear the sound of the roar too! (Kim)
To date, I’ve made $39.15 toward my Millionaire Journey! While it may not seem like a lot, the truth is this was probably one of the most important and prolific weeks I’ve had in my life. If you know anything about blog monetization, you know that $39.15 is a lot. In fact, before I started the Millionaire Journey, I didn’t put much effort into monetization so it would take me 3-4 months to generate this type of income. But the things I learned this past week about playing to win and challenging myself to do more have allowed me to kick my monetizaton efforts into high gear and have in essence allowed me to make in one week what it would have taken me a couple of months to do before I started this Journey. This is just an example of what can happen when you combine attitude plus action. For the first time, I hear the roar of true wealth creation and I want to share that with you.
As such, starting tomorrow, I will begin discussing what I’m doing in terms of the 7 income streams we’ve identified at Sunday’s telerally. I’m committed to transparency and telling you what really works and what doesn’t. We’re all in this together. I hope you can hear the sound of the roar too! (Kim)
Now is the time to FUND your passion!

Colossians 3:23 He says "Whatever you do, do it with all of your heart as unto the Lord and not unto men."
I found this super fantastic site Polar Unlimited that provides book summaries of the Top Business books using audio and video. The latest book "Crush It! Cash in on your Passion" by Gary Vaynerchuk is one of my favorites. Right now on this journey 3 Women. 3 Paths. 1 Destination: 1 million in 365 days, I am more than ever seeking ways to "cash in on my passion."
There is so much that I can do and that I have been doing for FREE and in the words of my great friend Lisa "People are always willing to take what you will give." I have passion (and plenty of it), I know my purpose and I know that I have valuable information. Yet, how do I cash in on it? That is the key. Who cares what I can do or what I know if I can not find value in my intellectual property? So, listening to "Crush it!" I took good notes and am purposing not only to live my life with passion and purpose, I am looking for ways to cash it in!
Visit the Polar Unlimited site and listen to the Book Summary here.
Crush it! (My notes)
1. Live your passion
2. Build your personal brand
3. Create great content
4. Become a great communicator
5. Work your face off!
6. Leverage social media
7. Make money: Chase the passion, not the money!
2. Build your personal brand
3. Create great content
4. Become a great communicator
5. Work your face off!
6. Leverage social media
7. Make money: Chase the passion, not the money!
How can you cash in on your passion?
Stuff Broke People Do

We've all seen it, folks rolling on dubs while living in an apartment complex. And the ones who get their hair and nails done, and then ask borrow the money to pay their electric bill.
A few other things broke people do is:
Take their last $20 and go buy a pizza, instead of going to the grocery store.
Buy gourmet food for their pets, and then ask you to buy their lunch.
Loan money they can't afford to give.
Talk on their $500 cell phone while on the bus.
What are some of the things you've seen broke people do that make no sense?
Lisa Maria Carroll
Is the Bible Keeping You Broke

If there's one thing I'm sick and tired of, it's church folks--not to be confused with Christians--using the bible to stay broke. Yes, the bible does teach us that the poor will always be with us, but nowhere did it say that the poor would be me.
This I know, and that is, if you're looking for a reason to get up, you'll find it. And if you're looking for an excuse to stay down, you'll find that too. That's why it's usually the lazy, apathetic folks who quote 1 Timothy 6:10 the loudest, The love of money is the root of all evil. They've found the excuse...errr, scripture, they need to justify not getting up and creating the life they really want.
So, what does the bible really say about money?
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
This verse is so often misquoted that it is ridiculous. The love of money is evil, not money itself. Having $1 million in the bank doesn’t mean that you love it anymore than having $5 in there proves that you don’t.
Who would you say loves money more, Bill Gates because he's a billionaire, or the thug who won't work, but instead carjacks someone for a joy ride or kills someone for $20?
Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
This verse is usually quoted by folks who are on the receiving end of your giving. And for some reason they've never read 2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Oprah is a great humanitarian who gives, gives and gives. And there are some who accuse her of being all about the mighty dollars. But, the more she gives, the more she gets. It's like when we buy a bag of chips. The bag is filled by weight, and you'll notice that when it settles down, there's lots of room left. In Jesus' market, he would fill up the bag, press it down, shake it up to get all of the air out, and then fill it again, so you had a completely filled, running over bag of chips.
God wants to bless us until it overflows.
What are your feelings about money and the bible?
Lisa Maria Carroll
Sunday Tele-Rally, October 18th
Future Millionaires,
We are so excited and want to thank you for joining the Millionaire Journey Fan Page. On Sunday, October 18, 2009, we will be offering a NO FEE Tele-Rally. With our deepest gratitude, we appreciate you and all of the energy that you’ve given us on the fan page. We’re looking forward to pouring all of that and more back into you; it's our goal to encourage, uplift and empower you to take your wealth to the next level!
On this call we’ll share the income streams that we have identified, as well as discuss marketing strategies to execute our plans. We’ll discuss what our Millionaire Journey fan page is, and what it is not. Plus, we’ll share ways that you can get involved and stay committed on this Millionaire Journey, as well as connect and interact with each other.
The call starts this Sunday, October 18th, 2009 8:00pm EST
To access the call:
Dial-in number: 402-237-2015
Access code: 1million# (16455466#)
After the call we will have some empowerment homework for you.
We look forward to hearing you on the call!
Tina, Kim and Lisa
Listen to the replay Millionaire Tele-Rally
We are so excited and want to thank you for joining the Millionaire Journey Fan Page. On Sunday, October 18, 2009, we will be offering a NO FEE Tele-Rally. With our deepest gratitude, we appreciate you and all of the energy that you’ve given us on the fan page. We’re looking forward to pouring all of that and more back into you; it's our goal to encourage, uplift and empower you to take your wealth to the next level!
On this call we’ll share the income streams that we have identified, as well as discuss marketing strategies to execute our plans. We’ll discuss what our Millionaire Journey fan page is, and what it is not. Plus, we’ll share ways that you can get involved and stay committed on this Millionaire Journey, as well as connect and interact with each other.
The call starts this Sunday, October 18th, 2009 8:00pm EST
To access the call:
Dial-in number: 402-237-2015
Access code: 1million# (16455466#)
After the call we will have some empowerment homework for you.
We look forward to hearing you on the call!
Tina, Kim and Lisa
Listen to the replay Millionaire Tele-Rally
The "YOU" Corporation

The Social Security Administration announced Thursday that beneficiaries won't be getting an increase in their checks in 2010 - the first time that has happened since automatic adjustments began in 1975. They're blaming the recession.
Lots of people are angry, and they should be. Many of the recipients have worked like Hebrew slaves in heat, and paid into a system that is nickel-and-diming them to death. Some literally.
If the government, the banks, and these big corporations haven't taught us anything in the last two years, they have shown us that we must look out for ourselves when it comes to our financial future, short- and long-term. It's time out for playing small. It's time out for kicking back and letting life happen to us, instead of us taking action. Read my lips: The cavalry isn't coming. You've got to look out for the "YOU" Corporation. Some people say that's selfish and egocentric. But, if you don't look out for yourself, who will?
I'm tired of seeing folks who have given so much for this country, suffer the most when the government doesn't deliver on their promises. I'm tired of seeing hard-working Americans give their all to Fortune 500 companies for decades, and retire broke, and with no health insurance. I watched my mother flip couches, pull staples, and sew fabric for years as an upholsterer, only to become disabled at 50, with no health or life insurance and a measly social security check that didn't even cover basic living expenses.
We know there's money out there. If the government can spend $170 million on an Inauguration, and the city of L.A. can spend $1.4 million on Michael Jackson's funeral, then we need to be finding ways to get our piece of the pie...or the recipe. Now, I'm not suggesting we do anything illegal or unethical. What I am saying is that it's time to identify income streams that will sustain us into retirement and beyond (our children's children).
Since starting the journey, have you identified multiple income streams?
The Power of Association, and the Transference of Spirits

(That would be three in our case.)
It's Day 4 of our journey, and the momentum is building. Tina, Kim and I have been volleying emails all week in an effort to identify income streams and marketing strategies. (Believe me, we're not just playing on Facebook. :-)) Today I realized that I have NEVER connected with anyone who had the same views about wealth building as these fabulous ladies. I'm usually the one saying, "Let's go. Come on. What are we waiting for?" while trying to carry folks along for the ride.
But, there's something about being around progressive people that make you want to be progressive. Their warms spirits are rubbing off on me. The energy. The vibrations. The T.E.A.M. work. Together Each of us is Achieving More.
I'm encouraging everyone who has joined us on the Millionaire Journey to be mindful of your associations. The company you keep can build you up or tear you down. I Corinthians 15:33 teaches us that bad company corrupts good character. Hanging with the wrong crowd can put you on a slippery slope to doing wrong things, or in some cases, nothing at all, leaving you stuck mentally, physically or emotionally.
But, the converse of that is true as well. Surrounding ourselves with people who have forward momentum, ambition, strong moral character and a desire to do what's right can cause us to want to be just like them.
I'm loving the journey. And I'm grateful for Tina and Kim, as well as all of the fans on our Facebook page who are supporting us as we support you.
We have 361 days left on the journey. In what ways can we support each other?
Day 3: Playing To Win
It is incredible what you can accomplish when you play to win. All my life, I, like most people, have been taught to live within certain boundaries. You know: go to school, do well, get a good job. All good advice if you want to just break even in life.
Since I’ve started the Millionaire Journey, I’ve begun playing to win because the truth is you will never get where you want by only breaking even. Playing to win is all about knowing who you are, what you want, and taking a no holds barred approach to getting it. It’s also about understanding that you may get knocked down but you keep coming back refusing to accept defeat.
My life has truly changed in the last 3 days since I’ve started the Millionaire Journey. I’ve found opportunities in everything I do, and I’m learning to leverage my strengths. I’m also recognizing that life is not a dress rehearsal because you only get one life to live. Most importantly, I’ve learned that life gives you precisely what you ask of it. If you play to lose, you lose. If you play to break even, you break even. So guess what, I’m playing to win. What about you?
Since I’ve started the Millionaire Journey, I’ve begun playing to win because the truth is you will never get where you want by only breaking even. Playing to win is all about knowing who you are, what you want, and taking a no holds barred approach to getting it. It’s also about understanding that you may get knocked down but you keep coming back refusing to accept defeat.
My life has truly changed in the last 3 days since I’ve started the Millionaire Journey. I’ve found opportunities in everything I do, and I’m learning to leverage my strengths. I’m also recognizing that life is not a dress rehearsal because you only get one life to live. Most importantly, I’ve learned that life gives you precisely what you ask of it. If you play to lose, you lose. If you play to break even, you break even. So guess what, I’m playing to win. What about you?
Is This The Law of Attraction?

First of all I'm a Christian, and I believe in God. The bible teaches us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). It's Day 3 of the journey, and with my mind renewed, I know that I can be a millionaire in one year. And these dimes represented money coming to me. I'm attracting what I'm putting out into the Universe. I'm speaking wealth and abundance into existence. Hallelujah!
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
What do you believe?
LisaMy First Million

Honestly, a Bentley would be nice. So would platinum, rubies and diamonds. But instead of boats, cars, jewelry and rims, I see businesses, scholarship funds, a publishing company, and a non-profit agency in my future. I see my children's children continuing to build on what I'm building.
So tell me, what will you do with your first million?
Day 1 of the Millionaire Journey

Day 1 of the Journey and we are excited! Emails back and forth, a You Tube, a Blog Talk Radio Show and thinking of multiple ways of generating income. Action and implementation is key!
Becoming a millionaire has never been more possible in all of human history than it is right now, today, here in America, under our economic system.-Brian Tracy
What thoughts do you have about reaching millionaire status? More money, more problems or more money, more freedom?
5 Things You Must Do NOW to Become a Millionaire
Imagine, this time next year, you could be a millionaire. Absent winning the lottery, receiving a judgment in a multi-million dollar lawsuit or getting an inheritance from an unknown relative, this goal may seem impossible. Given the short time frame, it is. But the truth is anyone can become a millionaire. To become a millionaire in one year is going to take time, money, discipline and some sacrifice. You must, however, get started immediately. There are 5 things you must do now to become a millionaire:
Congratulations on taking the plunge to move toward financial independence. You have 365 days to reach millionaire status. You can do it. Good luck and see you on the other side!
Contact Us
Got questions about the Millionaire Journey? Send us an email to 1yearmillionaires at gmail dot com.
What is the Millionaire Journey?
In 365 days, Kim Crouch and Lisa Maria Carroll will be millionaires. We firmly believe that by having the millionaire mindset, taking massive action, playing to win and with the power of association, that the journey we've embarked on to become millionaires is possible. Simply put: we are on a path to become millionaires in 365 days, but this journey, however, is not just about our empowerment and financial freedom, but also yours. We all want financial freedom and the ability to take control of our own destiny, so while this is a journey for us, we recognize that this is the start of a movement of like-minded people coming together to create massive change in how we live our lives and taking action to make what seems like the “impossible” possible. Make the commitment today to take back your life, and join us in the quest for financial independence.
How You Can Join
You can join this incredibly empowering movement by making a commitment now to also become a millionaire in 365 days and agreeing to follow the Millionaire Journey Pledge. We know that becoming a millionaire can seem like a daunting accomplishment but that's why you won't have to do it alone. You will have Kim and Lisa and other Millionaire Journey members to support you in your endeavor. Over the next 365 days, [through emails, teleseminars, etc] we will be there to provide motivation, inspiration or just a kick in the pants to keep you going. We’ve made it easy for you. Membership is free and, once you sign up, we will provide you with a copy of the Millionaire's Pledge and a list of the Five Things You Must Do Now To Become A Millionaire. Sign up now and take the first step toward becoming a millionaire.
Why 365 Days?
In our world anything is possible. We also believe nothing gets a person to take action quicker than igniting a fire in their soul and giving them a deadline with the essence of immediacy.
How You Can Join
You can join this incredibly empowering movement by making a commitment now to also become a millionaire in 365 days and agreeing to follow the Millionaire Journey Pledge. We know that becoming a millionaire can seem like a daunting accomplishment but that's why you won't have to do it alone. You will have Kim and Lisa and other Millionaire Journey members to support you in your endeavor. Over the next 365 days, [through emails, teleseminars, etc] we will be there to provide motivation, inspiration or just a kick in the pants to keep you going. We’ve made it easy for you. Membership is free and, once you sign up, we will provide you with a copy of the Millionaire's Pledge and a list of the Five Things You Must Do Now To Become A Millionaire. Sign up now and take the first step toward becoming a millionaire.
Why 365 Days?
In our world anything is possible. We also believe nothing gets a person to take action quicker than igniting a fire in their soul and giving them a deadline with the essence of immediacy.
Lisa Maria Carroll
Kim Crouch

Kimberley "Kim" Crouch is an attorney/author/radio show host/moneymotivationmanager. Kim is founder of First Generation Publishing and author of Mother To Son: Words of Wisdom, Inspiration and Hope for Today's Young African American Men. Known as the 100% Mom (someone 100% committed to the health, welfare and education of every child), Kim is a firm believer that one person can make a difference.
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