What I really loved about last night's call is that within an hour of it ending, we got Facebook updates from two people saying that they found money. (Think deadline. Don't put it off until tomorrow, when you can make it happen today.) One found money from her old university, while the other person simply said that it was not a big amount, but nevertheless, she was excited to know that there was money waiting for her. I like how she put that: it was WAITING for her. And that's what our dreams are doing for us. They're waiting for us to set some deadlines to bring them to fruition.
And that's exactly what I'm doing today. I'm giving myself a deadline, instead of this timeframe I've been operating in.
drumroll, please......
I'm finally going to FINISH writing a book that I've talked about writing for at least the last decade. And you know what else? I'm giving it a deadline: February 28, 2010. Not only will I have this book written, but also published by this date. And as accountability partners on this journey, I want everyone to hold me to it. Check in. Nudge me. Yell...
Starting a publishing company was one of the things I identified as an income stream (not to be confused with a "possible" income stream) to get me to the million-dollar mark. Well, it's happening now. My first book, The Gold-Digger Theory will be published next month. (Preview the blog here.) I then plan.....no, not plan, I will publish a book each quarter this year. Aggressive? Yes. Doable? Absolutely.
Give us your feedback: You have dreams seeded inside of you. What is your deadline to make it happen? In other words, give me a date.
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