We're five days into the new year, and you have these ideas, concerns, and questions competing for space in your head and no one to share them with. It would be nice to find someone who really cares that can help you figure out how to take next steps, put the pieces together, and hold you accountable to act on those things. But you feel like the people closest to you are more of a distraction than a help, and cause more disorder than order.
An accountability partner may be exactly what you need to achieve optimum success. But how do you find one? On our Send FEAR Packing telerally this past Sunday, I told you about some of the people that you could use to form a support group: family, friends, co-workers, or a life coach, virtual friends [from social media networks], and a Board of Advisors. After the call, we got several emails from listeners stating that they're having a problem identifying one person that they can be accountable to, not to mention the 3-5 that would serve as the board of advisors.
So, I've come up with a checklist on how you can find an accountability partner:
First, why a support group or accountability partner?
We are all held accountable in one way or another. Accountability is simply being responsible for one's actions. Accountability partners are one of the best ways to provide support and help motivate you to stay focused.
- Write it down. Be specific about the things you'd like your partner to help you with. Is it losing weight, starting a business, doing homework, quitting smoking? This is important because you'll need to be able to exchange this information with your partner so they'll know how they will be helping you.
- Put the word out. Tell your friends and family about your goals and that you'd like someone who could hold you accountable. Find someone who is as goal oriented as you are. That person is connected to you enough to know that if you win, they win too. You want your friend to be serious about personal growth. And be sure to find someone who will not accommodate your weakness. You don’t need someone to help you lose.
- Join a social networking group. Whether it's The Millionaire Journey or Jenny Craig, the internet provides an endless network of people and groups with similar interests as yours. You just have to get out and connect with them. Research carefully before joining. You don't want to get caught up in a scam.
- Find a mentor. Shorten your learning curve by learning the ropes from someone who has already done what you're doing. One of the best ways to do this is to find a mentor, and to do that, just ask. You'd be surprised how willing people are to help you when you simply open your mouth and ask for what you need.
- Sit down and draw up a partnership. Determine when you'll meet (phone, in person, email)--at least once a week--to report to each other on your progress towards your goals. During this meeting you let each other know how you did last week and what you plan to commit to the next week. If you are dragging your feet, it is the partner's responsibility to give you a kick in the pants.
Having another person involved in your goal setting is a win-win scenario. Not only will they make a difference in your life, but you will make a difference in theirs. Find your accountability partner and watch your results soar.
See you on the Millionaire Side,
Lisa Maria Carroll
Lisa Maria Carroll and Kim Crouch are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. They don't want to do it alone, so they're bringing you with them. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at http://www.facebook.com/#/pages/Millionaire-Journey/165487378056?ref=ts or the Millionaire Journey blog at http://1yearmillionaires.blogspot.com
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