It’s no surprise to me that many Americans hate their jobs. So when The Conference Board research group released a study that found that 55 percent of Americans were dissatisfied with their jobs, I thought duh? Tell me something I don’t know.
The truth is many Americans are in jobs they don’t want to do because they fear pursuing the jobs or their dreams that they really want to do. Even so, my advice is if you’re one of the people who make up the 55 percent and are considering leaving your job, my advice is to STAY! Yes, I said STAY! At least, for a little while.
Why do I say that? Because the truth is, most people should be striving in this life time for true ownership and, for most people, their current job provides the greatest opportunity to obtain such ownership. According to the book the 50th Law, true ownership is not about material possessions, money or titles. Rather, true ownership comes from within and the ability to be self reliant and confident in your decisions. In essence, it is ultimately the right to own yourself, your thoughts and your upward mobility.
So how can a job you hate help you obtain ownership?
1. Rethink how you see your job. A lot of people dislike their jobs because they feel dependent on their jobs to earn a living and because it takes up a significant amount of their time leaving them very little time to do the things they really want to do. The key is to transform your thinking. Stop seeing your job as a place of work but as a laboratory or a breeding ground for starting your own business or what you want to do. Use your time wisely at the job to learn everything you can about how business work, including marketing, promotion and sales. Use it to help you develop your interpersonal skills, to teach you how to form partnerships, collaboration and about teamwork. All of these skills will be useful when you venture out on your own. Ultimately, if you view your job as a startup for your future business or goal, you will acquire ownership over your job rather than allowing the job to have ownership over you.
2. Increase your responsibility. Seek out greater responsibility because this will teach you how to make better decisions. You want to learn the components of a good decision because it will aid you as you move in the direction of ownership. Believe me, it is much better to make mistakes on someone else’s dime than having to learn on yours.
3. Make Your Money Work For You. Many people live paycheck to paycheck so they get a job because they must work for money. But in the wise words of Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, to build wealth, people must make their money work for them. For most people, their job provides the greatest opportunity to do this. As such, stop working for money and begin to see your job as an opportunity to fund your dreams or to at least put you in a position to pursue those dreams. Begin putting money aside and/or investing with the salary you make at your job. Set an amount that you must generate or save that will allow you to leave your job: this is the essence of making your money work for you.
So before you quit your job or become complacent in the one you already have, recognize that your job may be the goose that lays the golden egg in terms of providing an abundance of opportunity for you to obtain the skills and mentality necessary to obtain true ownership over your life.
Want to get started on the road to ownership, register to attend the How To Fund Your Dreams webinar on Thursday, January 21, 2010 from 9 to 10 pm EST.
Kim Crouch and Lisa Maria Carroll are on a journey to become millionaires in 365 days. You can follow them on the Journey by joining the Facebook Fan Page at http://www.facebook.com/#/pages/Millionaire-Journey/165487378056?ref=ts or the Millionaire Journey blog at http://1yearmillionaires.blogspot.com
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